Product Discovery On Amazon

Manual Product Discovery On Amazon

A lot of product discovery tools are on the web today. How about product discovery on amazon by using the manual way? If you have already tried, then you might want to try with better ideas in mind.

It Sounds Time Consuming

It may sound like it. But, what if you are a beginners-entrepreneur? You still don’t have that many resources. And, you want to engage yourself much into bettering this business.

The Manual way of product discovery on amazon may work for you. Yes, and the better you do manually, the better you’ll be when you do the automated way. 

Remember, ‘A journey to a thousand begins with a single step’. 

Doesn’t it sound promising? Yes, it is. Let’s see how you can do so.

Two Steps

STEP I: Amazon’s Best-Sellers List

This is the very first step you should be taking. Here reflects what sells the most on Amazon. Considering that Amazon is one of the biggest e-commerce platforms today. Which basically means, the majority of picks are here.

Moreover, in the best sellers page, you can search by categories and sub-categories. You can hover and hover and decide on your niche. Unless you already decided on one.

Together with deciding your niche, also be specific with your target audience. Who are you planning to sell to? This will help you create a more personalized shop for your market.

Now, you have your niche and your target market. Next, is to decide which products will appeal to them. 

  • Which do they need? Will these products encourage recurring purchases?
  • How about the range of competitors? Remember, the more competition, the lower the prospects of a sale.
  • What price range should I turn onto? Opt for middle-priced products. Calculate your profitability if you’d decide on a product.

In addition, the related items or searches can help you too. This lets you see your target market’s related interests. For instance, you can expand with it as well.  

See If It Is In-Demand

There are a number of ways for you to assure if the product is saleable or not. You can either have the google keyword planner. Or google trends.

STEP-II: Learn From Your Competitors

Based on the product you want to sell, see how your competitors do the market. Again, the best sellers page can help you see your prime competitors.

First, you can try checking their shop. See what are the products they do offer. Also, try visiting their website. How do they market? Also, how much do they price? How do they do their website? This way, you can learn how they optimize their selling. 

Second, try to purchase some of their products. That is if they’re affordable. You can learn from their customer service. How do they treat their customers? How about the shipping costs? 

Incorporate these ideas into yours. For sure, you can learn a lot from these experienced online merchants. Plus, you can even better your approach.

However, be careful not to be too general with the products you offer. You may come up with several ideas. But, being specific can help you create your own brand. Most of all, stand out from your competitors. 

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