Product Discovery E-commerce

Product Discovery E-commerce Improvements

Product discovery e-commerce should be a priority for business globally. Why? Then just consider that in the past year. That more than 3 billion e-commerce searches delivered more than $2 trillion in sales. Only for the online stores. Yes, online searches have higher conversion rates. Compared with average visitors.

Considering the statistics above. It is wide to improve the ways businesses deliver product discovery e-commerce. This article will equip you with just that!

Keep It More Personal

Forrester’s study shows that almost 80% of online shoppers choose personalized user experiences. What’s more, is that these shoppers even do recommend this site to others. Plus, they are willing to pay more for this.

This should have a clear message for e-commerce businesses today. That product catalogs that have detailed and accurate searches are what most opt for. This is more conducive to more product discoveries. 

Yes, delivering customers a good shopping experience keeps them intact. You can do it online though. That is by having accommodating search engines and results.

Lessen Empty Results Pages

If for instance, your user searches wrongly. Like wrong spellings and poorly-worded searches. Still, accommodate these well. Have standardized product meta tags. As a result, this will bring up product suggestions and recommendations. For instance, relevant products will then also appear.

This not only keeps the user on-site. But it also keeps them on the hook. With more product suggestions on their view. These may spark interest in them purchasing otherwise.

Innovate Your Zero Result Pages

Let us say, for example, the user searches for something not available in your shop. Then don’t let this be the end. 

Take them into the relevant items. Perhaps also display the product catalog on site. Moreover, deliver alternatives with what they’re searching for. This can further boost your search engines. And also the shopper’s experience with the shop.

You can do this by implementing high-quality product tags. This will then allow your products on-site to relate to each other. In a sense, they’re helping each other to be noticed. In case, none of them is looked for.

Organize Product Sorts And Filters

Study shows that more than 20% of site searches have higher order values on the average. This is in comparison with those shoppers who simply browse the site.

Thus, sorting search results aids a lot in helping them see results from their searches.

This matter of organization benefits your shoppers a lot. Just imagine yourself shopping. You would be surely delighted when product searching comes easy. 

May it be on types, shape, styles, colors, shades, or occasion. All of these filter options have a great impact on a user’s great search experience.

Smart Auto Guess For Typos

A great search engine also caters misspelled searches. Or maybe the search may be too general. So have a good hosting for this.

Thus, implementing smart auto guesses for these typos will help. On the other hand, having a good amount of meta tags will also help. This will help the users see related products of their search too. In case, these too will be of their interest.

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