why is visual search important

Why Is Visual Search Important In E-Commerce

Why is visual search important? Well, it’s a mere fact that human brains process visual images faster than reading text. But, what does it mean? Take time to read this post to know more.

What Is Visual Search?

Let us first discuss what is visual search. Visual search is a function that uses artificial intelligence technology. Which helps users search through the use of real-world imagery instead of a text search.

Additionally, the purpose of visual search is to transform the way a product is searched online. So this technology is very useful for eCommerce stores and brands.

Well, how does visual search differs from image search? Both searches are based on imagery. But there are differences. Image search uses words to perform an image search. While a visual uses an image to searching.

Moreover, a visual search works through a combination of computer vision. And machine learning as well.

Why Is Visual Search Important?

Many, sites can benefit from this way of searching. And it’s also important to understand and take advantage of this technology. Why? That’s because search is expanding beyond its traditional form. Aside from that, new technologies and more are continuing to be introduced.

So the following are the benefits site can get.

The Next Generation Can Discover Them

For instance, more than 50% of Generation Z today discover brands through social applications. And 69 percent of them are looking to purchase directly off the back of the platform.

They Can Create Connections With New Customers

You need to understand that potential customers will look to make any kind of personal connection with a website. And trust is critical in helping them make a purchasing decision.

Additionally, visual discovery allows consumers to generate more connections. Which translates into less price sensitivity.

Can Sell To Customers Who Had Already Made A Decision

You can find your site interacting with people that have already made decisions about what they want to purchase. What can help? It is optimized content through Visual search.

Increases The Revenue

It is the most important benefit. After some investments, sites can look forward to the opportunity of increasing their revenue. As one study shows, early adopters and optimizers of both visual and voice search could find their coffers to be an increase by as much as 30% next year.

The Best Practices

These are the best practices that sites should adhere to:

  • The use of structured data.
  • Addition of alternative text.
  • The use of descriptive filenames.
  • Having an image sitemap that increases the likelihood of discovering your images by search engines.
  • The use of appropriate image sizes and file types.

List Of Other Elements You Need To Consider

The pure basis of the above recommendations is images. However, it is important to remember that there are also other elements you also need to consider. To appear in visual search results.

This includes the following:

  • The site’s accessibility
  • The overall site speed
  • Its contents’ freshness
  • The originality of images
  • Overall site performance, and also
  • The quality and clarity of the images.

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