visual search ai

Visual Search AI: Optimizing Customer Experience

Visual search AI is the next big feature in the retail industry. How does it optimize the customer experience?

Let’s find out!


So far, companies are having a hard time applying visual search. Also, only a few customers adopt it.

But, not until AI came into the picture. It made visual search better. How?

First, AI improved how machines recognize images. It also enables knowing a person’s likes and preferences.

Visual Search AI

In reality, we know the stuff we want. But, we may find it hard to type it in the search box.

Also, we may even run out of words to describe it. But why is that?

We are visual beings. We also rely on what we see.

In fact, a study shows that 90% of the information in our brain is visual. Also, we can identify those in a blink of an eye.

Yet, how does this relate to retail? Experts say that businesses that apply visual search will increase revenue. With an impressive rise of 30%.

So, what is visual search all about?

Text-Based Search Versus Visual Search AI

Many businesses invest in improving search queries. But, they’re investing in the wrong thing.

For many years, they have improved text and keyword-based search. However, doing so can still be inaccurate. Why?

Text-based search relies on the right words. It even considers correct spelling.

But, what if you are not fluent in English? Or maybe you don’t know the exact words to describe? The chances are you may not find it.

Thus, voice and visual search will transform this whole process. With that, it shows a serious impact on retail.

How Visual Search AI Works

Let’s say you saw a product you would love to buy. But, you don’t know its name. You’ll only be frustrated!

The above scenario happens a lot. Especially with furniture, food, tools, and clothing.

Yet, what happens if we add AI?

You can simply take a screenshot of the item you want. Or maybe take a photo directly from your camera.

Then, an AI-powered visual search will identify the item for you. It also tells you where you can buy it. Also, how much it is.

Additionally, a survey shows that consumers put more importance on visual information than text.

Moreover, AI develops image recognition models. Thus, it improves how people buy and sell products.

Besides, retailers can benefit from this technology. They will learn what customers like. And what they hate.

Furthermore, AI enhances the accuracy of the search. Thus, more customers are likely to buy from them.


The future of search is visual search AI. It may even replace typed searches.

Also, it will not only enable faster search of products. It also advances customer insights. Thus, retailers can provide what they want.

So, are you ready for the adoption of visual search AI? Now is the time to do so!

If you will, you’ll be in the frontline of the retail industry. Thus, get ready for the next wave of visual searches.

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