product discovery tools

Top Product Discovery Tools in 2020

There are so many product discovery tools available nowadays. When you search for it on Google, you’ll find a very long list!

And we don’t want to get exhausted, do we? So we selected our favorites!


Before we dive into the product discovery tools, let’s first have a summary of product discovery. What is product discovery anyway?

Product discovery is the process of knowing your customers’ needs. Then, you can fit your product to their needs.

It is the first step in the design process. And you should not skip it! If you do, you might waste your time and money on building a product that your customer doesn’t need.

What Should You Look For In Product Discovery Tools?

A good product discovery tool will help you achieve the following standards:

  1. Helps you get organized
  2. Creates your roadmap and strategies
  3. Connects you with your customers
  4. Builds wireframes of your product
  5. Sets up your product prototype

These tools will help you get valuable insights from your customers. Then, you’ll see how they react to your product plans.

Get Organized with ProductBoard

ProductBoard is an all-in-one tool. Most product discovery teams love this!

It will help you track your customers’ needs. Also, it collects market feedback. So, you’ll know how to use that data and decide what to build.

This tool will also assist you in evaluating how you can be better than your competitors. It will also help you know what features you should include.

One good feature of ProductBoard is that you can share your plans with your team. Other features include:

  • prioritization scores
  • user-impact scores
  • voting portal
  • user insights storage

Create Your Roadmap with ProductPlan

ProductPlan is the easiest tool that will help you plan your product strategy. Even big brands like Microsoft and Adobe use this tool!

Moreover, it can help you build roadmaps in just minutes. Also, you can update your roadmap in real-time, with just a few clicks.

It also features visualizing your product plans. Then, it has templates that will help you present your product. You can also make different versions of roadmaps easily.

ProductPlan also makes communicating with your team easily. It combines with other useful platforms for team communication. These includes:

  • Slack
  • Trello
  • Jira

Connect With Your Customers with UserTesting

UserTesting is one of the best tools to get feedback from your customers. It offers real-time feedback from real users for real results.

Additionally, big companies like Facebook and Walmart use this tool. It will also help you see and talk to your users while they use your product.

Build Your Product Wireframes with Balsamiq

Balsamiq is a trusted tool by product managers from all businesses. It is the fastest wireframing tool in the wireframe industry.

Also, it is very useful to create your UI design resource together. Even if you just sketch your dream UI in a paper, they can help you design that dream interface!

Set Up Your Product Prototype With Invision

Invision is the best tool in making rich and interactive prototypes. It also offers real-time communication and feedback from your team.

Additionally, it helps you to collaborate and test your product effectively. You can also manage your team’s ideas.

Also, it has a digital whiteboard. This whiteboard lets you draw your work-in-progress designs.

It is also used by brands like Airbnb, Netflix, and IBM! Thus, you know that your prototype will be the best.

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