product discovery techniques

Product Discovery Techniques & Principles

What’s more exciting than finding ways for more efficiency? How about considering more product discovery techniques?

You might have some on mind now. But, together let’s delve into more of these techniques into basic principles. These should help you go through a more effective product discovery process.

1. Always Wear Your Target Market’s Shoes

This is a common and constant reminder. Product discovery is all about our customers. An effective one should always be what the target market craves for.

One quality to build is ‘empathy’. Have and show personal interest towards your customers. Take the time to research. Research their needs, wants, and desires. Also, take the current trend into consideration. What’s working these days? What’s not? 

See the situation from different angles and light. 

Always aim for understanding. However, be careful ‘who’ to understand. Not everyone is your customer. Be specific. Align your goals to your target market. Do not waste your time understanding what’s not for you.

2. Never Trust Your Assumptions

Always remember the ‘beginner’s mindset’. And you can never trust your gut. Because we aim for the customer’s mind. We can never have their ‘minds’ without getting into the facts.

Thus, build your discovery plan with your solid data. Mere assumptions won’t work. Resist the urge to ‘quick planning’.

Take note, you are to invest time, resources, and your company’s name. What you will build speaks volumes who your company is. 

Thus, take the time and diligence in solid data.

3. More Time For Problem Space Than Solutions

Remember not to go otherwise. A good product discovery should not be more into solutions. Why? Because you can never cover everything at once.

One main goal for this process is to address needs. As many needs as possible. Because we need to touch the customer’s hearts. We cannot offer that if we concentrate on solutions.

Of course, we need to touch solutions. However, a proper product discovery process should invest more time in exploring the problems. 

Additionally, this part of the process should be continuous. We do not want our competitors to catch up, do we? Yes. We should always be open to new discoveries. New discoveries that will lead to a fresh catch in the market.

4. Draw What’s On Your Mind

You may not be an artist by birth. But don’t worry. You don’t have to paint landscapes and murals. 

Do you know that our brain functions better when we draw? You see, in the market- images sell not text.

Try mapping out your mind. Let those ideas come out with visuals.

Do this with your team. Let each member draw their own maps. This way, you will see each person’s viewpoint of the matter. Who knows? You can have a great pick on one of your team’s ideas? 

Combine the individuals’ ideas into one. You are a team. And you should be working as one. However, always align your outcome with your goal. Your goal is to satisfy your customers. Basically, not the team. 

5. Be Proactive

Product discovery techniques work with several brains. Encourage open thoughts on the matter. Learn new ways by learning from each other.

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