Visual Search for Retail

Visual Search for Retail

Visual search for retail is now growing to be more and more important. This is because it is most helpful for most retailers today.

Also, more and more customers are using visual search. But what is a visual search? And in what way can it help retailers?

Read on to know more.

What is Visual Search?

Have you heard or tried doing a visual search? As per its name, you search with the use of imagery to find the information about an item.

Today, many search engines now boast their version of a visual search. Also, some social media and e-commerce sites have one.

Thus, letting them get the full potential of this feature. With this, users find it easier to look for a specific kind of item.

Especially if you are having a hard time finding out the name of an item. What do you need to do? First, you only need to do is download a visual search app.

Next, point your camera over the item you want to search about. Or you can download an image from your gallery.

Then, the app can give you narrow results with details you may need. Pretty easy, right?

All these are possible with artificial intelligence and machine learning. Technology has come a long way.

Of course, many industries are now enjoying the perks of visual search. But that is most true for retailers. Why?

What is Visual Search for Retail?

As said, visual search is growing to be more important in the retail sector. This is because it can help them in a lot of ways.

For example, you may want to look for a necklace with an intricate design. But you do not know what is the name of that design.

Sure, you can search for a “necklace with a unique design” in the search bar. But that will only give you broad results. So, it can be hard for you to spot what you are looking for.

Or you can simply upload or take a picture of the said necklace to a visual search app. Then, it can give you narrower results of similar-looking necklaces.

As a result, you can find what you are looking for faster. Then, results may include links on e-commerce sites that sell the same necklace.

Further, some apps point users to deals for that item in nearby stores.

Thus, this is why visual search is very helpful for retailers. The discovery gets faster and more specific. So, they can drive more customers to their site.

Also, it a great way for customers to find discounted items. Or similar-looking items that are a cheaper option.

Thus, retailers can raise their organic reach. And of course, their ROI. So, we can see that visual search will boom over the next years.


So, this is what visual search means for those in the retail sector. What do you think? Have you tried using this to look for an item you want to buy? If not, go ahead and try to do a visual search.

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