visual search results

Visual Search Results In Keyword Elimination

Yes, more and more companies are relying on visual search results for better customer experience. Especially in e-commerce, visual search is an essential tool to find the products that you want.

Talking about visual search results, this might be a disaster for keyword searching.

Elimination Of Keywords

E-commerce was invented in the mid-nineties. Since then, online businesses have survived with the use of keywords.

However, current trends are indicating the rise of a more powerful tool. This is the visual search.

As a result, keywords may lose their power in visual industries. Industries in the likes of fashion, home décor, and beauty products.

Visual Search Vs.  Keyword Search

Ben Silbermann, Pinterest’s CEO, said that in the future, the search will likely be about pictures rather than keywords.

In fact, on Pinterest, over 600 million visual searches are conducted each month.

Also, 62% of Millennial and Generation Z customers want visual search, according to MarketWatch. This is more than any other new technology. So, keywords are becoming less important as time progress.

Amazon Gets Visual

In 2019, Amazon declared its sizable investment in visual search. As a result, the users will have the ability to search by picture.

StyleSnap, a new feature on the Alexa app, users can now replicate their favorite fashion.

Just upload a photo and let AI technology deliver the most relevant products to their search.

This news follows a trend that has been capitalized by Pinterest, as early as 2015. As a result, it attracts users and provides an excellent user experience. 

Lihi Pinto Fryman, CMO of Syte, said that the retail industry is aware that customer experience is the golden ticket. So, Amazon wants to have that experience on their platform as well.

Amazon, a trendsetter for e-commerce businesses, may just begin to eliminate keywords in the retail industry. For most companies, better UX is one of the positive visual search results.

The Future Of Visual Search On E-commerce

Together with Amazon, other companies are benefitting from visual search. It increases conversions and improving revenues.

Many global retailers are already starting to see the strong effects of the new medium.

The driving force that makes the companies ride is user experience. As mentioned above, it’s a golden ticket. And, what better way to improve it than integrating the visual search.

Before, customers may be stuck on finding the right keywords for a certain image. Moreover, they think harder and may get creative just to describe what they want.

Now, visual search can replace visual searching. How?

By uploading an image of what you want. As a result, you can go straight to the most relevant results.

Jeff Bezos said about optimizing the user experience in general that customers are divinely discontent. “Their expectations are never static – they go up.” 

The easier it is for customers to use visual search, the harder it will be for them to go back to keywords.

As e-commerce businesses, retail-related or otherwise, look to the future, visual search will need to play a key role in the user experience.

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